Claude Fauville (prices 300 € - 2000 €)
The erotic photographs of Claude Fauville have with what we generally connect with act photography, to do few. His platinum palladium print practices to baroque and rococo, celebrates not the nakedness, but the art of exposing with refinement. In order to realize this close connection to the baroque, the photographer creates a new image space, connected with the fusion of body and his environment. The special meaning is with the platinum palladium prints that their tonality and colour pictorial and graphic techniques stand more near, as the photography with their precision and smooth surface. Claude Fauville looks not for innovation, but deliberates themselves the tradition. With the fact is its innovation that he does this completely naturally, without wanting to explain this with a concept. Claude Fauville does not come as a photographer his pictures to produce, however he does not produce thereby the picture tradition in the sense of a conceptional beginning. He follows this tradition there his fascinated, internal conditions such as ecstasy, dreamingness and sexual excitation in the body arrangement expression find. Erotic at the outward one fastens itself and creates thus a resaying in the conception between the two techniques used by his black-and-white pictures, however his prints are aligned platinum palladium to it, erotic as internal condition to hold and to communicate by means of the language of the body.
Claude Fauville, born 1940 in Belgien
Selected Exhibitions
Galerie AAA, Bruxelles (Belgique)
Galerie Spektrum Canon, Zaragosa (Espange)
Galerie Camara Oscura, Logrono (Espange)
Ken Damy Studio, Brescia (Italie)
Studio Ethel, Paris (France)
Galerie Tetra, Wavre (Belgique)
Galerie Orphéa, Liége (Belgique)
Galerie Camara Oscura, Logrono (Espagne)
Galerie Triangl, Bruxelles (Belgique)
Galerie Oltre, Liége (Belgique)
Galerie Vrais Rêves, Lyon (France)
Ken Damy Photogallery, Milan (Italie)
Galerie Fabrik, Hamburg (Germany)
Photogallery Rosamilia, Salerno (Italie)
Ken Damy Photogallery, Rome (Italie)
Maison des Arts de Laon (France)
Galerie Moment, Hamburg (Germany)
Dégel Association, St.-Etienne (France)
No Name Gallery, Basel (Suisse)
Ken Damy Photogallery, Urbino (Italie)
Musei Comunali Rimini (Italie)
Galerie Triangl, Bruxelles (Belgique)
L´Ange Vin, Paris (France)
Museo Ken Damy, Brescia (Italie)
Cons Arc, Chiasso (Suisse)
Galeria Colour Art Photo, Valencia (Espange)
Vrais Rêves, Lyon (France)
Palermofoto´93 Couples (Italie)
Centre Culturel, (Les Chiroux) Liége (Belgique)
Galerie in focus, Köln (Germany)
The Museum of Photography at Tel-Hai (Israêl)
Galerie in focus, Köln (Germany)
Musée of Photography á Tel-Hai (Israêl)
Expo á Wilnias (Litauen)
Expo á Kaunas (Litauen)
Galerie Rabensteiner, Ims (Österreich)
Ciga Photogallery, Alexandria (Italie)
Musée Ken Damy, Brescia (Italie)
Musée Ken Damy, Milano (Italie)
Centre Culturelle, Huy (Belgique)
Galerie in focus, Köln (Germany)
Espace Polaris (Bruxelles)
Musée de la Photographie, Leipzig (Germany) mit in focus Galerie, Köln
Galerie du Chateau d´Eau, Toulouse (France)
Gal de la Bibliothèque Mu. Bailleul (France)
La Comédie du Regard, Montpelier (France)
Ar. Historico de Alava Vitoria (Espagne)
10é Ecuentros de Foto, Buenos Aires (Agentina)
Mes de la Fotografia
Musée de l´Erotisme, Paris (France)
Photogallery Rosamilia, Salerno (Italie)
Galerie in focus, Köln (Germany)
Galerie Mitra. Lisboa (Portugal)
Museo Gracco, Pompei (Italie)
Atelier PH7, Bruxelles (Belgique)
Musée de la Photographie, Leipzig (Germany)
Galerie l´Oeil Nu dpi, Liége (Belgique)
Galerie C2 H2, Dinant (Belgique)
Galerie Hotel du musée, Arles (France)
Fofetu Festival, Turnhout (Belgique)
Ken Damy fine art, Brescia (Italie)
Le Bal des Ardents, Lyon, France
Galerie In Focus, Köln, Allemagne
Galerie Hôtel du Musée, Arles, France
No Name Gallery, Bâles, Suisse
Galerie éclats D'ART Nîmes France
Galerie Pascal Polar, Bruxelles, Belgique
Selected Group Exhibitions
Erotica Bologna, Ken Damy (Italie)
Estival 93 Hôtel du musée, Vrais Rêves, Arles (France)
Pour une histoire de la photographie en Belgique
Musée de la photographie de Charleroi
Art Multiple, Düsseldorf (Germany) bei in focus, Köln
Große Kunstausstellung NRW, Düsseldorf (Germany)
Art Mutiple, Düsseldorf (Germany) bei in focus, Köln
Photogalerie Bild, Aarau (Suisse)
Reichstags Enthüllungen, Variationen eines Motives, Berlin (Germany)
De Zwarte Maan, Bruxelles (Belgique)
The Print Muséum of Photography, Tel-Hai (Israêl)
in focus, Köln (Germany)
five positions of erotica photography, Prague House of Photography mit in focus Köln
Focales 99 Festival international de la photographie, Dunkerque (France)
in focus Galerie, Köln (Germany)
Le Nu Photographié, Aix-en Provence (France)
2éme Festival Européen de la Photo de Nu, Arles (France)
Palermo Fotofestival San Paolo Palace Hotel, Palermo (Italie)
Musée de l´érotisme, Paris (France)
Centre culturel de Sulzfeld (Germany)
sexe, sexe, etc. . . Galerie Beaubourg, Vence (France)
Galerie Pascal Polar, Bruxelles, Belgique
Centre culturel de Schaerbeek, Bruxelles, Belgique
Galerie éclats d'ART, Nîmes, France
Arténîmes salon d'art, France
Parcours d'Artistes Rhodete Genèse, Belgique
Galerie éclats d'ART salon d'Art à Grenoble et Paris France
Centre culturel de Verviers, Belgique
Foundation Canal Madrid, Espagne
Galerie éclats d'ART Nîmes et Montpellier France
Galerie Le lac gelé, Nîmes (France)
Claude Fauville, Monographs
- Claude Fauville, Die Schönheit der Verzückung, in focus, Köln / la Lettre volée, 1996
- Claude Fauville, Galerie Municipale du Chateau d´Eau, Toulouse, 1997
- Claude Fauville, Chorégraphie du Trouble, Câmara Municipal de Lisaboa, 1999
- Claude Fauville, Pisseuses, Edition Reuss, 1999
- Claude Fauville, The Print, The Museum of Photography at Tel-Hai Industrial Park
- Claude Fauville, Portfolio, Editions CHEZ HIGGINS, Paris
- Claude Fauville, Livre UNE FEMME, Edition le livre Timperman, Bruxelles, Belgique